Tag : legislation
Why A DIY Tenancy Agreement Could Be Disastrous For Thanet Landlords
In this week’s lettings article, we look at the dangers of a DIY tenancy agreement and why landlords should always use an agent.
15/08/2023 2022
BREAKING NEWS: Thanet Landlords And The Renters' Reform Bill
In this article, we discuss the breaking news about the possible contents of the New Renters Reform and its possible implications.
08/05/2023 2341
How To Make Sure Your Thanet Rental Property Is Safe
Many people are under the assumption that being a landlord is an easy ride. Get your tenants in, collect the monthly rent and that’s it, you’re laughing. Sounds like a dream… Unfortunately, it’s far from the truth, as most experienced landlords and agents will tell you. Read more in our blog.
21/03/2023 1791
Why Landlords In Thanet Need To Take Note Of October 1St 2022
A significant change in how rental properties must be maintained comes into legal effect on Saturday, October 1st 2022. The law affects what alarms landlords must provide in their properties to protect against potentially lethal carbon monoxide poisoning. Failure to comply with the new rules can result in landlords getting a hefty fine.
11/09/2022 1632
Busting Landlord Myths In Thanet
Many people think that being a landlord is easy. Rent out a property, move some people in, sit back and rake in the cash… if only it was that simple. Any experienced landlord knows that owning rental property is hard, and it can be a 24/7 job in the event of any issues. Preparing a property for rent is just the first hurdle; ensuring your tenants are safe and the property is maintained are ongoing requirements. In this quick read, we bust some common myths about landlords and their obligations.
25/07/2022 1497
Legal Responsibilities: A Guide For Thanet Landlords
This two-minute read explains how landlords can navigate their way through an ever-growing list of rules and regulations.
20/06/2022 1582
Make A Change To Improve Your Thanet Rental Business
This two-minute read looks at why landlords should change letting agents and how it can benefit them.
05/06/2022 2010
Managing Joint Tenancies: Four Tips For Thanet Landlords
When they run smoothly, joint tenancies can be a good source of income for landlords. This three-minute read explains how to get the best out of them.
12/04/2022 843
How To Boost Your Rental’S EPC In Thanet
Calling all landlords! Have you checked your buy-to-let property’s Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating lately? No? Unfortunately, there have been some legal changes that might mean you’ve got some work to do (and money to spend), so you need to keep reading.
22/03/2022 1540
391 Broadstairs Landlords Could Be Hit With £14K Bills And Red Tape In Tory 'Levelling Up' Plans
Some Broadstairs landlords face bills of between £11,000 to £14,000 as Michael Gove, the Housing Minister, declared an attack on poor quality private rental homes.
11/02/2022 1762
