Category : property
Why Are So Many Thanet Homeowners Selling So Soon After Buying?
Discover why many Thanet homeowners are selling their properties shortly after purchasing them. This trend, driven by post-pandemic lifestyle changes, work arrangements, and economic pressures, offers insights into the current housing market dynamics in Thanet. Learn more in our detailed analysis.
24/06/2024 649
Why Thanet's Buy-To-Let Market Is Booming: A Landlord's Inside Perspective
Discover the latest trends in Thanet's buy-to-let property market, where strong demand and balanced supply create lucrative opportunities for landlords. Learn why Thanet remains a top investment choice in the South East.
30/05/2024 479
Is Thanet's Property Market Tipped In Your Favor? Uncover The 2024 Buyer's And Seller's Secrets!
Understanding Thanet's property market dynamics is crucial for buyers and sellers. Explore the latest data, trends, and strategic advice in our comprehensive guide. Discover whether 2024 favours buyers or sellers in this vibrant coastal market and plan your next move.
16/05/2024 571
Unlock Thanet's Property Secrets: 5 Inspection Tips Every Smart Landlord Needs To Know 🗝️🏡
Elevate your Thanet rental with insider tips from Cooke & Co! Discover the five crucial inspection areas that savvy landlords can't ignore. While we share some gems, our full suite of 'secret sauce' services keeps your investment top-notch.
22/04/2024 690
Helping You Navigate Suddenly Inherited A Tenanted Property In Thanet
Inheriting a tenanted property in Thanet opens a realm of possibilities. From continuing as a landlord to selling for profit, understand your options and the implications of each choice. Cooke & Co's expert insights ensure you're well-equipped for the journey ahead.
25/03/2024 811
2024 Spring Budget Revelations: How Thanet Property Owners WIN & LOSE
Unveiled! The 2024 Spring Budget's bombshell changes are shaking up the Thanet property scene. Discover how these pivotal shifts could make or break your property ambitions, with exclusive insights from Damien Cooke, the mastermind behind Cooke & Co.'s property prowess
06/03/2024 838
Thanet Property Market: Which Homes Are Selling The Best?
In our latest article, we look in detail at the Thanet property market and also compare the Thanet market with the regional and national markets. I think we have exciting times ahead for our area.
01/12/2023 1318
Why Summer Is The Right Time For Landlords To Tackle Energy Improvements
In this lettings article, we look at why landlords should consider improving their property’s energy efficiency.
07/06/2023 1949
Changing Property Trends: What’S In And What’S Out In Thanet
If you’re looking to market your home, read on to find out what’s hot and what’s not in the property world.
14/12/2022 1582
Why We Can’T Get Enough Of Property Shows In Thanet.
Hands up if you’ve ever lost a couple of hours sitting on the sofa watching a property show? Whether it’s a 30-minute fix or a full-on binge, programmes about other people’s homes are fascinating. Entire cable channels are dedicated to home renovations, property sales, flipping houses and so on. We just can’t seem to get enough of them. In this quick read, we look at some firm favourites and why they’re so good.
18/07/2022 1351
