Category : mentalhealth
Embracing Change: A Mother's Reflection On Moving Home Post-Mothering Sunday
n the afterglow of Mothering Sunday, we shine a light on the unsung heroes of home moves: mums. Join us as we explore a mother's heartfelt journey through the upheaval and joy of relocating her family.
11/03/2024 804
Mother's Day: How To Cope If You’Re Grieving
If you’re looking forward to doing something special for Mother’s Day on Sunday, we wish you all the best – but this article isn’t for you. It’s not that we don’t want you to have a great day (we do) or that we take issue with Mother’s Day itself (we don’t – mums are amazing and deserve a little pampering).
18/03/2023 2214
How To Avoid Feeling Blue In Thanet This January
We’re three weeks into January. Have you stuck to those New Year’s resolutions? Are your jeans still feeling a bit snug after overindulging on Christmas treats? Feeling a bit bleurgh about everything? Welcome to Blue Monday, officially the gloomiest day of the year. In this quick read, we look at ways to boost your mood and bat away those January blues (and yes, some do involve exercise).
16/01/2023 1779
Five Ideas For People In Thanet With Focus Fatigue
What impact do constant scrolling and swiping have on your ability to focus, reflect, and connect? A two-minute read.
24/04/2022 1276
Mental Wellbeing In Thanet
This two-minute read has a look at some of the things you can do to help keep you feeling well and positive.
25/02/2022 1240
