Category : children
Through Young Eyes: Olivia's Heartwarming Take On Family Moving Day
Ever wondered what goes through a child's mind during a home move? Our latest blog post features the delightful and insightful musings of six-year-old Olivia, offering a fresh perspective on family relocations. Discover how the magic and curiosity of a child can transform the moving experience into an adventure filled with joy and wonder. Click to read.
04/01/2024 1147
Back-To-School Guide For Thanet Parents
As term time approaches, those endless days of trying to entertain your bored and restless kids are almost over. No more surly teenagers sleeping until 2pm, no more grumpy children hounding you for snacks – it’s time to get ready for school. This back-to-school guide looks at some easy ways to get the September term off to a good start.
26/08/2022 1423
How To Settle Your Kids Into Your New Thanet Home
Moving house is stressful, moving house with kids… well, that can be a recipe for meltdowns, tantrums, and sleepless nights. As parents, you’re probably moving house for logical reasons: you need more space, you want to be closer to good schools, you’ve found a better job in the area. But as many of us know, logic and rationale aren’t always high on a child’s list of priorities. Change is scary for all of us, not just children, so how can you make it easier? In this three-minute read, we look at a few ways to help your little (and not so little) cherubs settle into a new home.
23/05/2022 1466
Could This Be The Year You Help Your Child Buy Their First Home?
First time buyers are finding it harder than ever to get the money together to finance their first home. As a result, many are turning to the Bank of Mum and Dad. Here’s what you need to know about helping your child buy a house in 2022…
02/01/2022 1429
