Category : school
How Thanet Parents Can Make Maths More Engaging For Their Children
Helping your child understand basic maths concepts doesn’t have to be a chore or a bore. Follow these four tips to discover how it can be child’s play. Maths is like Marmite: some people love it, while others loathe it. But there’s no escaping the fact that it’s a crucial life skill. That’s why schools across the country will celebrate Number Day this week (3 February) by hosting maths games and competitions*.
03/02/2023 1678
Back-To-School Guide For Thanet Parents
As term time approaches, those endless days of trying to entertain your bored and restless kids are almost over. No more surly teenagers sleeping until 2pm, no more grumpy children hounding you for snacks – it’s time to get ready for school. This back-to-school guide looks at some easy ways to get the September term off to a good start.
26/08/2022 1423
