Tag : vendor
Eight-Step Guide To Preparing Your Thanet Home For Sale
Are you planning to sell your home in the new year? Here’s a checklist to help you prepare for your next move. Have you got an exciting plan for 2023? A move to a bigger home to accommodate your growing family? Or perhaps you want to downsize and start afresh in a different part of the country?
29/12/2022 2412
Why The Highest Offer For Your Thanet Home Isn’T Always The Best Offer
So, you’re selling your home. You’re looking for the highest price and crossing your fingers for a smooth sale. But is the greatest offer always the best choice? In this quick read, we look at reasons why the highest offer isn’t always the best, and why you should analyze all offers before making a decision.
21/12/2022 2110
72% More Margate Homes Are On The Market Today Than A Year Ago
The Margate, Kent property market has changed in the last 12 months, with more Margate properties coming onto the market. This has given greater choice to Margate, Kent home buyers and buy-to-let landlords. Read the article to find out what this means for every Margate homeowners and landlords
14/12/2022 1850
Common Sense Ways To Impress Thanet Buyers
Homebuyers are heavily influenced by what they see, smell and hear, so here’s a guide to ensuring your property appeals to their senses.
08/11/2022 2540
Keep Calm And Carry On: Dealing With Property Chain Uncertainty In Thanet.
The economic events of recent months have prompted plenty of to-ing and fro-ing in the housing market. While some buyers and sellers in Thanet have paused to consider their situations, others have put their foot on the gas to get deals swiftly across the line.
04/11/2022 2672
Don’T Let Your Thanet Property Sale Collapse – Follow These Top Tips
A third of all property sales collapse before completion. How can you ensure yours isn’t one of them? Read on to find out.
26/10/2022 2452
Why Movers In The Thanet Need This Now More Than Ever
The last two years have been hectic for the Thanet property market. But now, the market is slowing down, and homes are not selling as fast as they once were. It’s also becoming harder to sell a home for a premium price. Add to that the cost of living crisis and other global events hitting us in our collective pockets. The good news is it’s still possible to achieve an excellent price for your home if the estate agent working with you knows how.
11/10/2022 1999
The Ultimate Thanet Moving Guide
There’s no doubt about it, moving home is one of the most stressful life events you can go through. As you wade through boxes, try to settle the kids, hunt for the toaster, and pay off all the moving bills, you’ll probably be trying not to scream and lose your cool. So, what’s the solution? Can you make a house move less hectic for all those involved? We think so. Here’s our ultimate moving checklist. You can thank us later.
13/09/2022 2192
Why Thanet Sellers Need To Start Thinking About Christmas Now – Yes, Really!
Severe conveyancing delays mean savvy sellers must act now to be in a new home by Christmas. You probably think it’s too early to be thinking about Christmas, right? After all, why worry about tinsel, trees and a present for dear old Aunt Bertha when it’s the middle of summer? But if you’re planning to move home and hope to be in your new pad by Christmas, then now is the time to get moving. Let us explain why there’s no time to delay.
09/08/2022 1639
Top Tips For First-Time Sellers In Thanet, Kent
Selling a property for the first time? Here’s a helpful guide to help you navigate the process. A two-minute read.
27/07/2022 1642
