Tag : legislation
Reasons To Be Cheerful For Landlords In Thanet
We share how landlords can avoid feeling down on the year’s most depressing day in this two-minute read.
10/01/2022 1689
Should Broadstairs Landlords Be Worried About These New Rental Regulations?
Everyone should be doing their bit to help reduce the UK’s carbon footprint on the globe – yet the question is, is that burden being put too much on the shoulders of Broadstairs landlords with potential bills of £7,600+ in the next four years?
05/12/2021 1718
Why Thanet Landlords Can’T Afford To Cut Corners
In this three-minute read, we look at the growing calls for tougher action against rogue landlords.
30/11/2021 2081
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: A Shocking Statistic That Thanet Landlords Should Know
In this three-minute read, we examine the dangers posed by carbon monoxid
23/10/2021 2732
What Rules And Regulations Are Thanet Landlords Falling Foul Of The Most?
In this three-minute read, we take a look at the most common rules and regulations that Thanet landlords need to remember.
12/07/2021 1246
How Thanet Buyers And Sellers Can Avoid Falling Prey To The Latest Property Scam
In this three-minute read, we look at a devious dupe that fraudsters use to rip off homeowners.
11/07/2021 1378
How Eco-Friendly Are Thanet Homes
And how new Gov’t rules will mean draughty low-eco Thanet homes will drop in value
12/06/2021 1798
Six-Point Cleaning Checklist For Thanet, Kent Landlords
In this three-minute read, we look at ways landlords can prevent losing money in disputes about cleaning.
31/05/2021 2288
WARNING - The Property Survey That Every Thanet Landlord Should Read
In this three-minute read, we look at a study that found some landlords were putting themselves and their investment at risk by cutting corners on checks and maintenance.
26/04/2021 1835
