Heatmaps Reveal Where Detached Homes Are In Thanet
21/10/2024 119
Heatmaps Reveal Where Detached Homes Are in Thanet

Heatmaps Reveal Where Detached Homes Are in Thanet

Heatmap of detached homes in Ramsgate
Heatmap of detached homes in Broadstairs
Heatmap of detached homes in Margate

These heatmaps highlight the varying percentages of detached homes across different parts of Thanet.

The areas shown in darker shades represent neighbourhoods with a higher proportion of detached properties, while the lighter shades indicate areas with fewer detached homes. This is a great visual representation of how different parts of the town offer distinct property types, catering to a range of preferences and needs.

Focus on Detached Homes in Thanet

This week, I wanted to focus on where the detached homes are situated. In the coming months, I'll be sharing similar insights into where other types of properties, such as semi-detached homes and flats, are located.

It’s always fascinating to see how the mix of property types varies in different parts of Thanet. If you’d like to stay updated on these insights and other local property market trends, follow us on social media for more interesting information about the Thanet property market!

Tell us your thoughts and if there are any surprises on the map in the comments below.

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About Cooke & Co

Cooke & Co has been providing estate agency services in Thanet since 1992, covering Margate, Broadstairs, Ramsgate, and surrounding areas.

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Visit our website at www.cookeandco.com or email us at enquiry@cookeandco.com.

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