Cooke & Co's Helpful Advice When Selling Your Home With Pets
20/04/2021 1721

Cooke & Co's helpful advice when selling your home with pets

We love pets at Cooke & Co with our team loving their dogs, cats, and even some more exotic pets, but remember when selling your home not everyone loves pets. Here's some helpful advice.

It’s raining cats and dogs and other assorted pets.

We really love pets at Cooke & Co with our team all loving their dogs, cats, and even some more exotic pets.

We know from our research that approximately 40% of Thanet homeowners own a little four-legged friend, so it might be hard to believe that someone may worry when a property is pet friendly.

Some clients are not fond of your dog or cat (or other beloved pet) and some home buyers look at properties with pets negatively.

So if you are a property and pet owner, selling your home is not an issue if you follow our advice.

Why not remove your pet from the house when a viewing takes place?
We know it's hard to find a place for your pet to stay every time there’s viewing but t might be necessary if potential buyers are scared or concerned about animals.Also, remember your pets home as well and they may react badly to a stranger coming into it.

Viewers might feel uncomfortable around your pet. While you might think little your little pet friend bouncing around the house is cute, others may not share your levels of enthusiasm.
Better not to have to utter the words 'She's never done that before' As the viewer limps away with a dog attached to their leg. I doubt they will be offering on your home from casualty.

People tend to be polite but ’Shep’ grabbing the viewer’s leg is not really the best way to make a good impression.

Potential buyers could also bring young children with them to viewings. It might not be a suitable atmosphere to have your pet around younger children, especially if it’s a larger animal or it is nervous.

If you can’t arrange to be out with your pet let us know and we will check with the viewer.

Make any Repairs

Pets can cause damage around the home. The damage might not be major, but it all adds up when a viewer is looking round
Carpets, hardwood flooring, walls, and even grass could end up having some form of pet damage. If you’re trying to sell your home, you’ll want it to look as presentable as possible. It is a great idea to repair any damage caused by your pets. It may only be the odd bit of decorating around your house, but it’s well worth the investment. Having someone look at your property only to see scratch marks or evidence of pet damage.

Make your home clean and fresh

Even if your home is relatively damaged free from your pets, it’s a good idea to do a thorough clean and remove all pet evidence.

Make sure that the kitty litter and dog bowls are out of sight to avoid lingering smells. Remove any toys, especially the ones that have a tendency to squeak when you stand on them.

Don’t forget to vacuum up all of those pet hairs, which from personal experience is a nightmare.

Finally, the garden, if you own a dog that spends a lot of time outside check that it is dropping free and if you can cover or treat any yellow stains on the lawn. Pet droppings are not nice even for those who love pets, so ensure everything is clean and tidy.

Use air freshener

Once you’ve had a good clean and tidy it’s well worth airing out your home. Pets tend to leave that “pet smell” around the house, as the advert says, you can go 'nose blind' so you might not smell anything but viewers might? You can use air fresheners or perhaps scented candles. Some of these can be unpleasant , overpowering and some people have allergies to fragrance products.

Alternatively, it might be worth having the carpets and flooring professionally cleaned. This is probably the best option as it will remove the smells and makes the whole house fresh and clean, rather than simply mask it.

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