Are Thanet Homes Being Overvalued By Certain Estate Agents?
15/04/2021 1858
With 59.8% of properties on the market in Margate sold (subject to contract), the Thanet property market is on fire. Yet for many Thanet property sellers, the buyers seem to miss them out, meaning they can’t move to their dream home.

Are Thanet homes being overvalued by certain Estate Agents just to get them listed at whatever cost?

Would it surprise you that there are 62% fewer properties for sale today in Margate than a decade ago? Property values are much higher than a decade ago and the property market at the moment in Margate is on fire. In all my years as an agent, I have never seen it like it is at the moment. Many people are saying it’s reminiscent of 1988 when dual-MIRAS relief was abolished by Nigel Lawson, as people are paying top dollar for a property because they are buying property like there is no tomorrow.

59.8% of properties on the market in Margate are sold (Subject to contract)

In a ‘normal property market’, that figure would be between 30% to 40%. There is no rhyme or reason behind it because it’s not as if we are going to run out of property to sell (unlike the panic buying of loo rolls last year in the supermarkets). With such a buoyant Margate property market, being adept to state what your Margate property is worth is exceptionally problematic.

This is further exacerbated by the lower-than-average properties on the market at the moment. To give you an idea of the issue …

there are 644 properties for sale in Margate today,
compared to 1,710 a decade ago.

When there aren’t many properties on the market, to gain your instruction some estate agents will value your Margate property by giving you an overinflated suggestion for the asking price. Why do they do that when the considered wisdom is estate agents only get paid once they sell it?

Well, would it surprise you that many estate agents pay their employees a bonus to put your property on to the market, (Not at Cooke & Co) and then amazingly pay a further bonus when they get you to reduce the asking price? (Again not at Cooke & Co)

Some estate agents know the fastest way to get your property to market is to be optimistic on the asking price to secure your property for sale, then work on you to reduce your asking price after it has been sitting on the market for a few months.

Nothing wrong with that you might say, I want to get the most for my Margate home (and it is indeed the job of the estate agent to get the best price for their client). If I believe it is worth testing the market at a slightly higher asking price, I will suggest that yet will always explain my thinking and if we have over-cooked the asking price, we can swiftly realign it after a couple of weeks.  

Yet because many estate agents are disposed to suggest overinflated asking prices to the house seller just to secure their business (i.e. overvaluing) but not manage the property for months and months ... this, in turn, causes Margate properties to sit on the market and not sell.

In the best property market for 20 years, 24% of properties for sale in Margate have been on the market for 6 months or more. Overvaluing is widespread among Margate and Thanet estate agents.

Most Margate homeowners will ask three or four estate agents to value their Margate home and take the middle figure when they want to sell. Yet, if all (or most) of your Margate estate agents are over-optimistic and they all give you a ‘gilded lily’ price to secure your instruction to sell your home (i.e. overvalue), then that middle figure will be too much. Most Margate estate agents know they don’t win the business (i.e. secure the listing) if they tell the homeowner what they don’t want to hear.

So, what is the risk of overvaluing?

There is a potentially massive cost to putting your Margate home on the market at too high an asking price. Your estate agent will tell you that your Margate home is worth a certain figure and then lock you in to a 16-week sole agency agreement (sometimes longer) which you cannot get out of early. If you are getting around two or three viewings a week, and the pictures and marketing material are half decent, then your pricing is about right, meaning in this market you should be sold (subject to contract) within a month to six weeks.

Yet, if your Margate home has an over-optimistic asking price (i.e. it is overpriced), you might only have a handful of viewings in a month and no offers. As the weeks and months go by, your overpriced Margate home makes similar homes to yours (i.e. your competition) look really good value for money. That’s when you will get the price reduction call from the agent.

How many times have you seen a property that has been on the market a while and you have wondered what’s wrong with that? Also, to add insult to injury, the portals tell you how long a property has been on the market, adding weight to that argument. 

The longer your property stays on the market, the more desirability

of your Margate home drops.

You will end up selling your Margate home but only after a handful of price reductions, yet at what cost? Firstly, in those lost months, you would have missed out on many properties that you fell in love with, yet couldn’t buy because your home was languishing on the market with no interest (this is backed up by consumer champion Which, who said that if you have to reduce your asking price by 5% or more, it adds an extra 64 days to the sales process).

Secondly, you will end up selling your Margate property for less than if you had placed the property on the market at a realistic asking price from day one (again backed up by Which). This is because buyers think there is something wrong with it, so as the homeowner gets fed up, they accept a lower offer to get their property sold.

Finally, because you take less for your property, your choice of the next property to buy will also be curtailed, meaning your dream home move might be more of a nightmare?

The best advice I can give you is to search the portals, make sure you look at properties that are also sold stc (which can normally be found by clicking on the filter section of the search on the portal). Then ask a couple of straight-talking trusted friends to do the same and compare your property to the competition that is both on the market and sold (subject to contract).

Compare their locations, number, and size of the rooms and size of the plot and ask them where they see your property against those. Carry out the same exercise yourself (of course you will be slightly biased) and take a bellwether from all those figures. Then ask a number of Margate agents to value your property and if you feel any are being overly optimistic challenge how they get to their figure and get them to qualify their belief in that figure – is their valuation realistically achievable in the market at the time? As we all know markets change and property prices go up and down and ultimately a property is only worth what a buyer will pay for it – this all requires careful consideration.

I can assure you most of the estate agents in Margate are decent people, who want to do the best for you. All I ask is you do your homework and look at the sale of your Margate property through the eyes of a cold-blooded buyer.

If you would like a chat about selling your Thanet home do give me a call.

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Det1 Detail1 Detailed1 Developers4 Digital1 Digitaldeclutter1 Dioy1 Disaster1 Disaters1 Distress1 Divorce4 Diy13 Documents1 Doglover1 Dogs3 Donsizing1 Dontdoit1 Dontmissout1 Doomandgloom1 Downsize1 Downvalue1 Dreamhome1 Easter1 Easterarticle1 Eat2 Education1 Elecric1 Election1 Emergency1 Emertgency1 Empty1 Emptyhomes1 Energey Efficiency1 Energy9 Energyperfomancecertificate2 England1 Enigma1 Enjoy2 Entertainment1 Epc6 Estateagencythanet1 Estateagent2 Estateagents1 Ethical1 Eu1 Eurovision1 Eviction2 Ex[Perts0 Exciting5 Expereience1 Experience5 Experts14 Explainations1 Explore1 Fa1 Facts5 Fallthrough2 Families2 Family2 Faq1 Fashion2 Fastest1 February1 Feelgood1 Feeling1 Feelingstuck0 Fengshui1 Figures10 Fillyourproperty1 Film1 Films1 Finacial Services1 Finanace1 Finance1 Finances3 Financialservices12 Firemworks1 First1 First Time Buyer1 Firstbuy1 Firsthome1 Firsttime2 Firsttimebuyer4 Fivestar1 Fivestars1 Fivestarservice2 Flat1 Fleas1 Flowers1 Flythrough1 Follow The Sun1 Foocbank1 Football4 Forsale10 Fourbeds1 Fraud1 Fraudprevention1 Free3 Free Advice0 Freehold1 Freelisting1 Fresh Approach0 Freshstart1 Friendly1 Friends1 Fs2 Ftb6 Fuin1 Fullsurvey1 Fun83 Funfact1 Furnished1 Furnishing1 Future6 Gadgets2 Garageconversion1 Garden5 Gardening2 Gardens2 General26 Generationrent1 Getmoving1 Gettingbestdeal1 Gifts2 Giverment1 Givernment1 Glastonbury1 Globalwarming1 Gogreen1 Golf1 Goodagent3 Goodidea1 Goodluck1 Goodnews2 Goodpractice1 Goodtimes1 Goodtimetosell1 Goodwill1 Google1 Govenment1 Governement1 Government3 Granddesign1 Graph2 Great Stats1 Green3 Greenpolicies1 Grief1 Groundfloor1 Guide1 Hacks2 Happy Christmas1 Happy New Year1 Happychristmas1 Happyeaster1 Happyfathersday0 Happynewyear3 Happypets1 Healthy1 Healthyeating1 Heat1 Heating1 Heatmap1 Heatwave1 Helo0 Help33 Helpftb1 Helpful1 Helpfuladvice1 Helptobuy3 Helptosell1 Heros1 Highervalueproperties1 Hints7 History1 Hmrc1 Hobbies2 Hobby1 Hoints0 Holiday2 Holidays1 Home7 Home Automation1 Homebuyer1 Homegoldmine1 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Landlords1 Legal Changes1 Legislation25 Legistlation1 Legla1 Letting32 Lettingagent1 Lettingagents1 Lettings9 Lifestyle1 Lift1 Limited1 Links1 Local7 Locate Homes1 Location1 Londonmarathon1 Lonely1 Lookingtobuy1 Lookingtosell1 Losemoney1 Love3 Lovethem1 Lovetohelp1 Luxury2 Maintainance6 Maintaince1 Manaagement1 Management24 Managing1 Managment1 Map1 March 20241 March20241 Margate23 Margateprices1 Market17 Market Update1 Marketcommentry13 Marketing3 Maths1 Maximise1 May2 May20242 Mental Health1 Mentalhealth5 Mentalwellbing1 Metime1 Mistake1 Modern1 Mogtheringsunday1 Money5 Moneyraised1 Moneysaving1 Mood1 Mortgage6 Mortgages10 Mortgate2 Motherday1 Movenow1 Moving6 Moving In Together1 Movinghome1 Movingin2 Movingintogether1 Movingout1 Movingtips13 Mumanddad2 Mumsmoving1 Music1 Myths1 Naea3 Needsreferbishment1 Negatives1 Negotiation1 New1 New Act1 New Builds4 Newbuild1 Newhome2 Newlaws1 Newnormal2 News3 Newsflash2 Newstart1 Newyearresolutions1 Niovember1 Nocrash1 Nofireworkfun1 Noreductions1 Nosection211 Nosignstopping1 November3 November 20242 Number11 Numberone2 Oap1 Oct242 October9 October 1St1 OEA1 Older2 On Bedroom1 Ontherise1 Organise1 Oroperty1 Ourview1 Outside1 Overprice2 Overpriced1 Overvalue1 Parents1 Partents1 Pastimes1 Payfirst1 Payupfront1 People1 Perfectsteps1 Personalview1 Pests1 Petfriendly1 Pets2 Photos2 Planning1 Plantsnottohave1 Plastic2 Plumbing1 Police1 Politicalcomment1 Politics1 Pop1 Poppies1 Poppy1 Popular1 Portals1 Positive3 Positivestart1 Postiveread1 Ppsqft1 Predictions2 Preditctions1 Preventative1 Prevention1 Price4 Prices5 Pricesurge1 Pricing1 Priopertyprices0 Private1 Pro Tips1 Problem1 Problems2 Process3 Productivity1 Proeprtymarket1 Proffessional2 Proffessionals1 Profit5 Proiperty1 Property17 Propertyanalysis1 Propertyasanivestment1 Propertyexpert1 Propertyexperts2 Propertyfacts1 Propertymanagement1 Propertymarket10 Propertyprices3 Propertystats1 Propertytrends3 Pulse1 Purchase2 Purchaser3 Queries1 Quick Read2 Quickest1 Quickread3 Quicktips1 Quiz1 Ramsgate30 Rates2 Reading1 Ready1 Realisiticprice1 Recipe1 Recommendations2 Redtape1 Reduction2 Reductions1 Referbish2 Reform2 Relationships1 Relax2 Reliaable1 Relocation2 Rememberance1 Remorse1 Remortgage2 Rent1 Rental11 Rental Advice1 Rental Lettings1 Rentalmarket1 Rentalmarketinsights1 Rented5 Renters Reform1 Rentincrease1 Renting15 Rentprotection1 Rents12 Rentstohigh1 Repairs13 Report1 Reservations1 Reslistic1 Respect1 Resposibilities1 Rightagent1 Rise In Prices1 Risingprices1 Robots1 Rollon20231 Rubbish2 Sacrifice1 Sad1 Safetly1 Safety4 Sales7 Santa1 Saturday1 Save4 Savemoney1 Saving1 Saynotobulling1 Scam1 Scams2 Schemes1 School2 Schools1 Schoolsout1 Searches2 Seaside2 Season1 Seaview1 Secondhome1 Secrets6 Security1 Seeling1 Selfbuild1 Sell2 Seller29 Sellers1 Selling141 Sellingwithpets1 Sellnow2 Semi1 Senses1 Service4 Setrent1 Settingthescene1 Sevenquestions1 Sharing1 Shocking1 Shopping1 Short8 Short Read1 Short]0 Shortage2 Shortread3 Shouldibuy1 Shouldisell1 Shouldyoubuy1 Shouldyoulet1 Sizematters1 Smallbusiness1 Smart1 Snowman1 Socailhousing1 Social1 Sofew1 Solar1 Sold4 Solicitors2 Somethingsmaller1 South East Stats1 Southeast1 Spain1 Spare Room1 Specialhome1 Sponsorship1 Sports1 Spring3 Springsoom1 Springtime1 Stampduty3 Starts2 Stateofmarket1 Statisics2 Statistics30 Stats78 Staycation2 Staypositive1 Strategy1 Stress10 Ststs1 Success1 Summer2 Sunday1 Superb1 Support3 Survey2 Switchagents1 Takealoadoff1 Tax7 Tdc1 Tds2 Tea1 Tea Break1 Tea Time1 Teabreak6 Team1 Teatime2 Teatimeread1 Tech3 Teens1 Tenancy5 Tenant29 Tenants14 Tenure1 Terms1 Terrace1 Tesla1 Tgreen1 Thametproperty1 Thanet67 Thanetdistrictcouncil1 Thanetexperts2 Thanetheat1 Thanethomes1 Thanetlettings1 Thanetontheup1 Thanetprices1 Thanetpropertymarket1 Thanetsales1 Thankyou1 Thefuture1 Themarket1 Theplanet1 Things To Avoid1 Thoughtful1 Three Bedroom Homes1 Time2 Timescale1 Timetaken1 Timetomove1 Timetosell1 Tips25 Too Much1 Toptips1 Tory1 Tour1 Tradesman1 Traditions1 Trend1 Trends13 Trust4 Trustus1 Tthanet1 Tv1 Two Bedroom1 Uk3 Uk Property Experts1 UK Property Management1 Ukhousemarket3 Ukhousingtrends1 Uktrends1 Unfurnished1 Unique1 Usecookeandco1 Usp1 Uturn1 Valentine1 Valuation6 Value2 Vandor0 Vendor72 Viewing1 Viewings1 Viewnow1 Voids1 Wabi-Sabi1 Walking1 Websites1 Wecanhelp1 Weekend3 Welovetogetinvolved1 Wfh1 Whatisasurvey1 Whatitmeans3 Whats Next1 Whatshappening1 Whattolookfor1 Why1 Whycookeandco1 Whysolong1 Whyuseus2 Windowbox1 Windows1 Winter1 Winteriscoming1 Women2 Working1 Worldcomaprison1 Worldliteracyday1 Worldsmileday1 Worldview1 Worries1 XMAS10 Yields1 Young1 Youragent1


#2 #202213 #Buying1 #Landlord3 #Nationalgardeningweek1 #Nationalgardeningweekj0 #Property2 #Tenant2 10 Years1 103Days1 11Th Hour1 19521 19791 1Bed1 1In61 20204 202042 2021148 2022180 2023218 2023Easter1 2024136 20255 20301 20501 241 24 Hours1 30Yearletting1 4Bedroom1 50Hawleysquare1 5Tips1 6Step1 6Yearsold1 6Yr1 7 Days1 7Tips1 9Nterest Rate1 Abroad1 Accident1 Accidents1 Accountant1 Addvalue1 Adult1 Advantages1 Advice181 Aerialtour1 Afterchristmas1 Again1 Ageing1 Agent1 Agentvalue1 Agreement1 Ai1 Airbnb1 Album1 Animals1 Annual1 Annualreport1 Antibullingweek1 Apartment2 April8 April1st1 April20241 April241 Aprilfool3 Arla6 Arrears2 Article3 Articles1 August4 Autumn13 Average3 Averageage1 Averagehouseprice1 Averageprices1 Avergageprice1 Avergagethanet1 Award1 Babyboomer1 Babyboomers1 Back1 Backtoschool1 Badagent1 Badcredit1 Badpractive1 Bank Of England1 Bankofengland3 Bargain1 Bedroom1 Bedrooms1 Bedroomtrends1 Bees1 Best1 Bestpractice2 Billsincluded1 Birds1 Bitcoin1 Blog2 Blue Monday1 Blues1 Blunders1 Books1 Boom1 Boomers1 Breakingnews1 Brexit5 Broadstairs15 Btl6 Budget10 Bugs1 Builders1 Building1 Bully1 Bungalow3 Buster1 Buy4 Buy To Let1 Buyer8 Buyers4 Buying33 Buying Process2 Buyingandselling1 Buytolet15 Buytoletthanet1 Buytoley1 Buytorent2 Calm1 Camping2 Capital Gains4 Carbon Monoxide1 Care1 Carehomes1 Cash1 Cashbuyer1 Cats1 Celebrate0 Celebraties1 Celebration2 Census1 Chain1 Challenges1 Change1 Change Agent0 Change Estate Agent0 Changeagents1 Changeestateagents1 Changes1 Charging1 Charity6 Charm1 Checklist2 Child1 Children2 Chocolate3 Choosing1 Christmas24 Christmas Opening Hours1 Christmassong1 Cleaning7 Clientmoneyprotection0 Closed1 Comingsoon1 Commentry2 Community21 Communoy1 Communuity1 Compare1 Comparison1 Compliance1 Condensation2 Condition1 Confused1 Congratualtions1 Conservative2 Contractors1 Conveyancing3 Cooke & Co9 Cookeandco6 Cookeco2 Cooking1 Cop1 Cost2 Costly1 Costofliving7 Costs1 Councilhouse1 Couple1 Couples1 Covid1 Covid 198 Covid191 Crash3 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Homebuyer1 Homehacks1 Homeimprovements1 Homeinsurance1 Homeowner12 Homeownership3 Homes2 Homestaging1 Homesunderythehammer1 Honest1 Hot1 House Market4 House Prices29 Househunt1 Houseing1 Housemarket9 Houseplants1 Houseprice16 Houseprices9 Houses1 Houseshare1 Housing1 Housing Crisis1 Housing Market1 Housingcrisis2 Housingladder1 Housingmarket5 How Long To Sell1 Hunt1 Ice1 Icerink1 Ideas6 Iinflation1 Imortgage1 Improvements2 Includebills1 Increasevalue2 Inetrnationalwomensday1 Inflation11 Information1 Inheritance5 Inpection1 Insight1 Insights1 Inspections1 Inspiration1 Instagram1 Insulation1 Insurance2 Interest11 Interesting2 Interestrate1 Interestrates2 Interiordesign1 Internet1 Inventory1 Investing1 Investment16 Investment Buy To Let1 Investments1 Investor1 Investors1 Itcominghome1 January2 Jargon1 Jeremyhunt1 Jeremyhuny1 Jobs2 Jointtenants1 Journeys1 Joy1 Joys2 July4 Jumpers1 June3 June241 Kids3 Kindness2 Kingcharles1 Kitchen2 Km1 Labour1 Land1 Landl;Ord1 Landlord148 Landlordchecklist1 Landlords16 Lanlord1 Lanlords0 Lastthree1 Law2 Laywer1 Ldecember1 Leadership1 Leasehold1 Legal1 Legislation20 Legit1 Letting19 Lettings10 Lettingwithfriends1 Lifetime Deposit1 Light2 Lights1 Limited1 Lioness1 Lletting1 Local5 Localauthority1 Loft1 London1 Long Article Stats1 Lonley1 Lookahead1 Lookfor1 Love3 Loves1 Luxury1 Lvendor1 Maintain1 Maintainance3 Makingtaxdigital1 Management8 Marathon1 March2 Margate21 Market15 Market Insight1 Marketcommentry9 Marketing3 Markets1 Mature1 May8 Mentalhealth12 Message1 Mistake1 Mistakes2 Modern1 Moneysaving1 Monthly1 Monthonmoth1 Morespace1 Morgage1 Mortgage15 Mortgagerates1 Mortgages1 Mortgate1 Mortgaterate1 Morthgage Freedom1 Mot1 Mother1 Mothers1 Mothersday2 Mould1 Movein1 Moving6 Mulitigenerational2 Mums1 Music2 Myths3 Naea2 National Average1 Nationalteaday1 Naturallight1 Negative1 Newbuild4 Newdevelopment2 Newhome2 Newhomes2 Newnormal4 News1 Nightmare1 No Section 211 Notice1 Nov241 November7 November 241 November242 November5th1 Novemver1 Numbersold1 Oap1 Obligations1 October10 Offer1 Oldertenants1 Oldtownmews1 Olympics1 Ombudsman1 Onebedroom1 Online1 Opening Times1 Optimistic1 Over501 Overcrowding1 Overpayment1 Overpricing1 Overvalue1 Overvaluing3 Pandemic1 Paperwork1 Parenting1 Parents2 Partner1 Personal1 Pests1 Pets9 Photographs1 Photography1 Pitfalls2 Planning3 Plants1 Plastic2 Poem1 Politics2 Pollen1 Poltics1 Poppy Day1 Popular1 Portals1 Portfolio1 Posh1 Ppsqft1 Predictions1 Price1 Price Smart1 Pricedrop1 Pricerise1 Prices3 Pricing1 Private2 Privatelandlord1 Privatesale1 Probate2 Problems3 Process1 Professional1 Profit1 Progression2 Properttymarket1 Property21 Property Coownership1 Property Market2 Propertyexperts1 Propertyinsights1 Propertyinvestmentinsights1 Propertyinvestmenttips1 Propertymarket20 Propertyprice1 Propertyprices4 Propertystats3 Propertysurge1 Propertyupdate2 Purchase1 Purchaser2 Quarter 21 Quarter One1 Quatar1 Questions2 Quickread1 Quiz1 Ramance1 Ramsgate23 Rate1 Rates3 Reading1 Readytomove1 Readytosell1 Recession1 Recommended1 Recycle1 Redflags1 Reduce1 Reduction1 Reductions3 Referb1 Reference1 References1 Refubishment1 Regret0 Relax1 Relocation1 Rememberance2 Remorse1 Rent2 Rental8 Rented6 Renter Right1 Renters Act1 Renters Reform1 Rentersreform1 Renting5 Rentorsell1 Rents18 Reolutions1 Repairs10 Reports1 Repurposing1 Research1 Reservations1 Resolutions1 Retail1 Reterreform1 Retire1 Retirement1 Return1 Review2 Reviews1 Rics1 Rightmove1 Rights1 Righttime1 Rise1 Rises2 Robbery1 Robottakeover1 Royal British Legion1 Sad1 Sadness1 Safety2 Sales10 Salesupdate1 Save1 Savetheplanet2 Savethousands1 Scams2 School1 Schools1 Scrabble1 Seaside1 Seasons1 Secondtimearound1 Secret Tips1 Secrets2 Section211 Section81 Security3 Selfbuild1 Selfmanage1 Sell1 Sellafterbuy1 Sellbeforebuy1 Seller15 Sellhomefaster1 Selling104 Selling Process4 Selling Tips1 Sellingblunders1 Sellingmyhomne1 Sellingtips1 Selliptips1 Selloff1 Semidetached1 September7 Shoplocal2 Shopping1 Short6 Shortage1 Shortread3 Shouldisell1 Showdown1 Sixbuyertypes1 Sixtips1 Sizematters1 Smallbusiness1 Smart1 Socailhousing1 Socails1 Social1 Social Media1 Sold4 Solicitor1 Solicitors2 Southeast2 Spacious1 Spain1 Special1 Spingclean1 Spratlingland1 Spring16 Sq Ft1 Sqft3 Squirrels1 Staging1 Stamp Duty2 Stampduty1 Starmer1 Starts1 Statisics1 Statistic1 Statrs1 Stats56 Staycation2 Stayin1 Storage1 Stress7 Stressreduction1 Stressrelief1 Style1 Styles1 Summer3 Summerscoming1 Sun1 Sunday1 Supply1 Support2 Suprise1 Surge1 Surveys1 Switch1 Tax6 Taxcuts1 Tea Time Read1 Teabreak12 Teabreakread1 Team1 Teatime7 Tech4 Teen1 Teenmoving1 Tenancies1 Tenancy2 Tenant26 Tenant Abandonment1 Tenants10 Tenats1 Tenure1 Terms1 Terraced3 Thanet82 Thanet Homes1 Thanet Property Market1 Thanetlandlords1 Thanetoctober1 Thanetproperty1 Thankyou1 Thatcher1 Themarket1 Threebeds1 Tiktok1 Time1 Timetosell2 Tip1 Tips16 Top31 Torent1 Tory2 Tradesman1 Trands1 Trends8 Tricks1 Tthoughts1 Tufty1 Tunes1 Tv2 Uk2 Uk Property1 Ukhousemarket1 Ukhousing2 Ukproperty1 Ukrealestatetrends1 Unscrupulous1 Unusual1 Update1 Usecookeandco0 Valentine1 Valentines1 Valuation6 Value1 Valuing1 Vegetables1 Vendor48 Vermin1 Vicki1 Viewings2 Voids1 Wabi-Sabi1 Waitinglist1 Waling1 Warning0 Waste1 Wecanhelp1 Wewillremeberthem1 Whatsbest1 Whatsthemarketdoing1 Whychooseus2 Wildlife1 Willitcrash2 Windowbox1 Windows1 Winter5 Women1 Work1 Workfromhome1 World2 Worldcup2 Worldmusicday1 Worldphotographyday1 Worldscrabbleday1 Worldsmileday1 Worry1 Xmas14 Xmaschecklist1 Yields1 Young1 Youtube1