Category : fun
Unlock The Power Of Feng Shui: A Guide To Harmonious Living In Thanet
In this community interest article, we take a light-hearted look at the ancient practice of feng shui. Read below and enjoy.
25/04/2023 2027
National Tea Day , Celebrate In Style.
Greetings and salutations! We sincerely hope this message finds you in the best of health and spirits. As a fervent admirer of the quintessentially British tradition of tea drinking, we simply had to reach out and share some exciting news with you. In just a few short days, on the 21st of April 2023, National Tea Day will be upon us!
20/04/2023 1200
Celebrating The World’S Favourite Word Game In Thanet This Weekend.
In this week’s community interest article, we’re celebrating Scrabble with some interesting facts about how it began and the highest-scoring words.
16/04/2023 1611
Low-Cost Ways To Have Family Fun In Thanet This Easter
If you’re looking for ways to keep your children entertained this Easter, here are some fun activities that won’t break the bank. These child-friendly suggestions won’t blow your budget but will stave off that familiar phrase, “I’m bored!”. Find out more in this quick read.
08/04/2023 1765
The Ultimate 2023 Guide To A Fashionable Thanet Kitchen
The kitchen is the heart of the home, so does it really matter what it looks like? Well, according to interior design trendsetters, it definitely does. So, what’s the latest in kitchen fashions? In this quick read, we explore the latest trends and look at some cheaper ways to update your kitchen.
04/03/2023 1769
The Thanet Anti-Valentine’S Day Guide
If you’re a hopeless romantic, look away now. In this three-minute read, we look at why Valentine’s Day isn’t romantic at all and how you should spend it instead. Love is in the air… and every shop window, every restaurant, down every supermarket aisle and even in petrol stations (for those partial to a wilting bunch of flowers). Yes, it’s Valentine’s Day. The ultimate ‘holiday’ designed to make you miserable.
13/02/2023 1352
How Thanet Parents Can Make Maths More Engaging For Their Children
Helping your child understand basic maths concepts doesn’t have to be a chore or a bore. Follow these four tips to discover how it can be child’s play. Maths is like Marmite: some people love it, while others loathe it. But there’s no escaping the fact that it’s a crucial life skill. That’s why schools across the country will celebrate Number Day this week (3 February) by hosting maths games and competitions*.
03/02/2023 1575
Is Your Thanet Home An Untapped Gold Mine?
In a cost of living crisis, it’s not a bad idea to think of ways to make (or save) extra cash. Some people take on part-time jobs or start up a side hustle, others might start selling unwanted items from around the home. But here’s another idea, what about using your property to increase your income? Homeowners around the country are forking out for higher-than-ever monthly mortgage payments and eye-watering energy bills, so maybe it’s time to make your bricks and mortar work for you. While an obvious way to make money from your home is to take in a lodger, many of us don’t fancy living with strangers. In this quick read, we look at other ways you could earn cash from your crib.
29/01/2023 1847
How To Be More Productive In 2023
If you’re feeling sluggish after a few weeks back at work post-Christmas, here are some tips to boost your productivity and give you more of that most precious commodity – time.
24/01/2023 1271
Why You Should Be Walking Your Thanet Dog Every Day
Whether you’ve got a pooch who wears fancy jumpers, a big blonde Labrador or a tiny handbag-sized companion, this month is all about them. If you didn’t know before, now you do: January is National Walk Your Dog Month.
08/01/2023 1163
