Category : housemarket
Unveil The Future: Is 2024 The Year To Sell Your Thanet Property?
Discover the insider perspective on Thanet's 2024 housing market with our in-depth analysis. Whether upsizing or downsizing, get the expert advice you need to make informed decisions amidst the evolving market dynamics.
08/03/2024 639
2024 Spring Budget Revelations: How Thanet Property Owners WIN & LOSE
Unveiled! The 2024 Spring Budget's bombshell changes are shaking up the Thanet property scene. Discover how these pivotal shifts could make or break your property ambitions, with exclusive insights from Damien Cooke, the mastermind behind Cooke & Co.'s property prowess
06/03/2024 730
Thanet's Property Paradigm: A New Era Of Homeownership Unveiled
In our latest short article discover the transformative shift in Thanet's housing landscape, where outright homeownership is on the rise, reshaping the fabric of our community. Read more below.
19/02/2024 598
Cooke & Co's Thoughts On Chancellor Hunt's Autumn Statement And The Thanet Housing Market
In our latest short read, we discuss Chancellor Jeremy Hunts Autumn statement that brings some notable developments for the housing market in the vibrant seaside region of Thanet,
24/11/2023 1381
The Future Of Thanet House Prices
In the ever-changing landscape of the Thanet property market, predicting future house price trends can be akin to navigating a labyrinth. The past two years have witnessed unprecedented upheaval, primarily due to fluctuating interest rates that significantly impacted household finances, reminiscent of the challenges not faced since 2008. Find out our predictions from now until 2028
21/11/2023 1336
Unraveling The Margate Property Market: Discover The Secrets Of Home Saleability!
Ever wondered what sets apart those Margate properties that sell like hotcakes? Let's explore the interesting world of the Margatte property market, where the price range holds the key to a successful sale. Discover how different price segments influence property saleability and what factors make your home stand out. Curious? Read below to unravel the insider knowledge!
07/07/2023 1414
Thanet Property Market Update: Latest Quarterly Data Reveals Surprising Trends
Are you worried about the Thanet property market? Despite reports of a housing market crash, the latest quarterly data shows that the UK and Thanet property market is holding up. Find out more by reading our following article
26/04/2023 2215
Thatcher’S Dream Smashed As Homeownership In Thanet Drops
In her first conference speech as the Tory's new leader in 1975, Margaret Thatcher asserted her conviction in a ‘property-owning democracy’. Throughout the 1980s homeownership exploded and continued to grow for several decades thereafter. What has happened to that dream nearly 50 years later? The housing data for Thanet has just been released from the 2021 Census and it makes interesting reading, especially if you are a Thanet homeowner or Thanet landlord.
18/01/2023 1574
What Will Happen To The Thanet Property Market In 2023?
In this article, I talk about what should happen to the value of your Thanet property over the next 12 months. Also, I will touch on the other more important barometer to judge the Thanet market. Read the article to find out what that is…
31/12/2022 3146
What Will Rishi Sunak As PM Mean For Ramsgate House Prices?
What will Rishi Sunak as PM mean for Thanet house prices? Rising interest rates, inflation and the cost-of-living crisis will all affect the value of your Ramsgate home. Yet what exactly should (and shouldn’t) Rishi and his team be doing to protect your biggest asset – your Ramsgate home. Read this article…
06/11/2022 1647
